Our Napier clinic location is now at Health 2000 - 247 Emerson Street, Napier, and our Dannevirke clinic location is now at Tararua REAP - 15 Gordon Street, Dannevirke.

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To Oil or Not to Oil?

I get asked this question everyday and the quick answer is - yes, mostly it is of benefit! But let’s look at the complexities more closely - firstly we need to establish whether the full feeling, pain, or itchiness in your ear/ears is due to wax or infection (normally Otitis externa - an outer ear infection).  If you felt you were experiencing the latter (there is a watery discharge and usually pain) then oil is of no benefit - head straight to your GP for a swab of the ear canal and poss...

March 27, 2021

Your Ears Are Different from Everyone Else’s

When we say that, we don’t mean how they look on the outside, but on the inside. It is possible too that your ears do look different to everyone else’s, especially if you are Mr. Spock! We often get asked how often our clients should come in for ear cleaning by microsuction, but unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as the question, because although the short answer is simple enough, that just leads to a longer answer! The short answer is - as often as is required. The longer answer is ...

March 13, 2021

Don’t put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear!

Don’t put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear - so why would you stick a D-I-Y earwax removal tool that is being so heavily being marketed into your healthy ear canals? I have seen first hand the damage that these tools do – at the very least puncture marks to the canal wall which in some cases have led to infection and even worse ear drum perforation.  Our canal shape is genetically defined – believe me when I say that we all have different curves and canal shapes which can...

March 13, 2021

A Revolution in Custom Hearing Protection

The most versatile and natural sounding hearing protector in the world, a breakthrough in high-noise filtering. The ACS PRO27 has an almost flat sound reduction of 23dB through the low and mid-range frequencies so allow for situational awareness and the ability to communicate and a stark jump in protection in the higher frequencies where it is needed: Up to 35dB increasing your safe exposure time up to 9 times. Quality assurance and Certification Each earpiece is manufactured...

November 12, 2020

Have You Heard How Earphones Can Cause Ear Wax Build-Up?

Nowadays, earphones are a necessary part of life! Obviously, they are extremely popular for a reason - they allow us to talk on the phone to people without needing our hands, they can provide us with a form of entertainment wherever we go, and they mean we can work from home during COVID-19 without colleagues hearing the kids! You might not be aware that earphones can be quite harmful to our ears. Not only can they cause hearing loss if the volume is too high, they can also increase wax build-up...

November 6, 2020

Why Does Impacted Ear Wax Cause Vertigo?

Vertigo is a feeling of dizziness that gives people a false sensation of movement. Understandably, this feeling can be uncomfortable, and even potentially dangerous for people who experience it. It can also lead to people feeling nauseous and vomiting, much like carsickness. There are many different causes of dizziness and vertigo, so medical assessment is always recommended. Impacted earwax can cause a dizzy sensation because our ears are integral to our ability to maintain our balance. If the ...

October 19, 2020

The Do’s & Don’ts of Ear Wax Removal

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a grey, orange or yellow material made in the ear canal. It cleans and protects the ears from bacteria, dust, foreign particles, and microorganisms. In normal conditions, wax works its way out of the canal and into the ear opening naturally. However, when there is a build-up of wax, there are many ways to remove it. Some are safe, and some are not. Let’s review best practices for dealing with ear wax. Do’s Do understand that ear wax is normal. If ...

July 24, 2020

Ear Wax Removal Helps Your Hearing Aids Work Better

Like it or not, hearing aids tend to cause a build-up of excess ear wax because in a healthy ear, the earwax being produced by the body naturally works its way towards the outer part of the ear where it falls out or can be wiped away. However, hearing aids prevent this occurrence and can result in a number of problems: Damage to the hearing aid itself as a result of wax contaminationIssues with feedback (a whistling noise emitting from the hearing aid when in the ear) when the ear is blocked wit...

February 24, 2020

Snoring Can be a Huge Problem

Snoring can be incredibly disruptive and people who sleep next to a snorer are likely to be fatigued and experience all the difficult symptoms that come with sleep deprivation. Snoring volumes can get so loud that they can cause hearing issues for their partner. It’s not surprising because some snoring can reach up to 80 decibels, which is the equivalent to a jack hammer or motorcycle! Before resorting to more expensive options such as surgery for the snorer, try our custom-made sleep plugs. T...

November 26, 2019

The Benefits of Ear Microsuction versus Syringing

Extracts from an article by Brenda Lockie-Julian, Registered Nurse; Vorotek Product Specialist; Ear Nurse Clinician Trainer; RN BA MBA. "Growing interest in Ear Microsuction over the last few years has been driven in part, by client demand as well as Practitioners wanting to adopt an alternative, safer practice than Ear Syringing. As there is an ever-increasing problem with Syringing complications, Manual Wax Removal not involving liquid has fewer risks and is now becoming more widely practiced....

November 4, 2019

“A Cotton Bud Nearly Killed Me!”

We’ve said before that using cotton buds to clean your ears is not a good idea (primarily because of the potential damage to the eardrum and the risk of causing permanent damage to your hearing) but now we learn that cotton buds, whether made of biodegradable bamboo or the traditional plastic, can actually kill you! When I read the news headline, I had a vision of a homicidal cotton bud with legs running around the streets with a machete, but no, we’re talking about a rather nasty ear infect...

October 12, 2019

Babies, Toddlers & Children

Parents all want the best for their children, to be able to live a happy, healthy life, pain-free. So when an outer ear infection occurs, you need quick, fast relief from symptoms and pain. At Ear Suction Hawkes Bay Anne has many babies, toddlers and children as clients as they are one of her areas of specialism. Anne is very experienced in dealing with microsuction for children of all ages. Get fast relief If you think your child or toddler may have an ear infection, we can assess your child w...

May 28, 2019

Surfer's Ear

Surfer's ear is the common name for an exostosis or abnormal bone growth within the ear canal and affects many.  Surfer's ear is not the same as swimmer's ear, although infection can result as a side effect. Irritation from cold wind and water exposure causes the bone surrounding the ear canal to develop lumps of new bony growth which constrict the ear canal.Where the ear canal is actually blocked by this condition, water and wax can become trapped and give rise to infec...

April 16, 2019

Client Survey

We’ve just recently completed a client survey and we’re absolutely over the moon at the results. Not only did we receive some fantastic individual comments (e.g. things like "I trust Anne completely", "very professional" and "great service") but overall, we scored very highly in every single category, as below: Survey Question                                               ...

March 31, 2019

Ear Infections

Ear infections are very common in children but often occur in adults of any age. The main symptoms are earache and feeling unwell. Painkillers are the most common treatment as antibiotics are not usually helpful. For most people the infection normally clears within a few days.Most ear infections are either Outer Ear Infections (Otitis Externa) or Inner Ear Infections (Otitis Media). The main differences between these two types of ear infections are as below:...

November 29, 2018

Is Ear Syringing safe?

The great majority of GP’s in Hawke’s Bay have stopped removing ear wax by water syringing but surprisingly, it’s still being used in Hawke’s Bay. We see a lot of clients who have had bad experiences with ear syringing or where it just hasn’t worked and we’re not at all surprised at the results of a large UK study on the effectiveness of ear syringing set out below: Failure of ear wax removal occurred in 29% of casesOtitis media and Otitis externa (middle and external ear infections ...

October 16, 2018

Bin the Cotton Buds!

For many, digging around in your ear canal with a cotton bud to scoop out satisfyingly large clumps of wax is as habitual as cleaning your teeth or washing your hair. For some, it also feels good - because the inner tunnel of your ear is loaded with nerve endings, cleaning your ears can often simulate the pleasure of an orgasm, or so they say! But, even if it gives you pleasure and the feeling of cleanliness, cleaning your ears with cotton buds is not a good idea, and you should stop immediately...

October 8, 2018

Fungal Ear Infections

A fungal ear infection is an infection with a fungus and normally involves the canal that runs from the ear hole to the eardrum. The medical term is otomycosis. What causes a fungal ear infection?Fungal infection of the ear is more common in people living in tropical and subtropical countries. It is also more common in people who do a lot of water sports like diving and surfing and is more likely to occur in the summer then the winter.Ear wax protects the lining of the ear from fungus so anythin...

August 14, 2018

Learn about your ears and why they're useful

The ear has two functions, hearing and, in mammals, balance which is, at first sight to the majority of us, weird! Why use the ears for our balance mechanisms? Although not a thing of beauty in themselves, the ears are often mentioned erotically and of course, the ear has been adorned by earrings and other jewelry in numerous cultures for thousands of years, and has been, and still is, subjected to many surgical and cosmetic alterations. Sttrangely enough, your ears never stop growing as we age ...

July 24, 2018

Inner Ear Infections (Otitis Media)

An inner ear infection is inflammation of the middle ear, most likely resulting from a cold, an allergy or an infection. What causes an inner ear infection?The small space behind the eardrum, connected to back of the throat by a tiny channel called the Eustachian tube, is normally filled with air but it may become filled with mucus which typically occurs during a cold. The mucus can then become infected by bacteria or viruses which may lead to an inner ear infection. Sometimes an ear infection j...

July 17, 2018

10 tips to prevent hearing loss

Your hearing is vital for learning, communication and safety yet you may not have thought much about the impact a hearing loss could have on your life. You may think that losing some sound wouldn’t be too bad but those with hearing loss will tell you it can be tiring, lonely and frustrating. Hearing loss can be caused by many different things. It can happen gradually or quite suddenly. When hearing loss is gradual, it’s very easy to ignore - for a while. Always seek help quickly for any ear ...

July 10, 2018

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition where you hear sounds from inside the body rather than from an outside source. It is often described as a ringing in the years, although sounds that can be heard include buzzing, humming, hissing and whistling or even sounds similar to music or singing. Tinnitus is not always a sign of a serious underlying condition and for some, it may come and go, being just a minor nuisance. It can, however, be continuous and have a significant impact on everyday life with severe cases...

July 4, 2018

Workplace noise and what you need to know

Creating an environment that promotes good auditory health in the workplace is more effective if workers are involved with developing and carrying out solutions. Workers can help to identify risks arising from noise related hazards, and suggest practical ways to eliminate or reduce these risks. This will encourage worker commitment to good hearing health. Hearing loss is preventableBy adopting noise control measures, and educating and training workers on the importance of wearing hearing protect...

June 29, 2018

All you need to know about earache

Earache and ear pain is common, particularly in young children. Although painful, it isn’t usually a sign of anything serious.How long earache lasts depends on what’s causing the pain. Most earaches in children are a result of an ear infection, most of which start to improve after a few days.  Earache can affect one or both ears. To spot an earache in babies and young children watch out for: Rubbing or pulling their earsNot reacting to some sounds.Have a temperature of 38C or ...

June 29, 2018

Get your ears cleaned the proper way by the experts

Push a cloth right through and pull backwards and forwards forcefully, assuming of course you can see Australia though your ears!Poke anything to hand into your ears like hairclips, tools, pen, finger or finger nail. This can cause nasty damage and an infection can easily occur.Using cotton buds will result in the wax being pushed deeper into the ear canal. Often break-off and remain lodged in the ear.Water syringing can cause irritation and pain. In addition, wax can be forced onto the ear drum...

June 25, 2018 Posts 1-25 of 34 | Page next

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