Get wax-free, clear & healthy ears!
At Ear Suction Hawke’s Bay we make things easy
Safe, instant ear wax removal
We use micro-suction which works as a non-invasive vacuum, cleaning the ear without putting any pressure on the ear canal or drum. It is a comfortable process with the appointment normally taking no longer than 15 minutes.
- Six clinic locations across Hawke’s Bay
- Free ear health assessment
- No wax, no fee
They are just brilliant!
If you have ever had problems with ear wax like me, then you really need to book an appointment with Anne or Nick. In the past I have tried everything from syringe wax removal to ear wax candles, but nothing I tried in the past has been anywhere near as effective as the 15 minute appointment I had with Anne. Honestly this ear suction service was not in the least bit painful or irritating and now I'll never need to use cotton buds again. I really recommend using this business. They are just brilliant!
Blanche Mclean, Hastings
To arrange a home or rest home visit please email us: contact@earsuctionhb.co.nz or call us anytime on 06 929 7608.